Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Bows, Embroidery and Crocheting - a result of grandchildren and Multiple Sclerosis!

March 17, 2008, St. Patrick's Day, I had my first MRI with dye.  Two days later I received the call at work that I had lesions on my brain and a cyst the size of my fist on the back of my brain.  I was scheduled with a neurologist and a neurosurgeon.  My neurologist is Dr. Kathryn Chenault and her APN, Brenna Fitzgerald.  They are AWESOME and located in Sherwood, Arkansas.  The diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) was confirmed and I tried to be "pro-active" by starting treatment, etc., but as anyone with that DX - life, the way we know it was gone forever.  On the visit with the neurosurgeon, I did receive the good news that the cysts was spinal fluid that had leaked up in my skull and had formed a pocket of fluid - they cysts, and nothing would be done about it now.  Since I would be having annual MRIs, they'd keep an eye on it.  I was also told there was an active lesion on my #5 cranial nerve.  I asked him how that lesion would effect me and when he described it to me, my husband Vaiden, and I were in awe.  I had gone to doctors for almost 20 years for the EXACT symptoms and was waved off with bogus excuses/explanations.  Ok - life does go on.

I have absolutely no heat tolerance.  I believe this had been the worse of it all.  I get overheated doing regular everyday task so it totally rules out me just going outside and saddling up one of our horses and taking a lazy ride.  Nope, can't do it without passing out before I have the saddle cinched!  I have cooling vest, fans of every shape and size, cold wipes, rags, towels, etc.  But I just can't do anything in the sun, humidity, or overcast days. But since I have adult ADD, I HAVE to do something, hence, crafts!!!

I've always need directions to create anything.  Being an US Air Force disabled Veteran, I learned how to follow directions!  This has really helped me in learning how to create bows, step by step, use my embroidery, sewing, and serger machines, along with how to crochet.  I've really enjoyed the crocheting because I can take it with me and crochet almost anywhere.  I love that I can have a finished product that will bring someone a smile.  Creating my "goodies" is what has kept me going after so much of my lifestyle has been taken away with the MS.  Before the crafting bug bit me, I went to work, came home and went to sleep until it was time to go back to work.  Now the MS interferes with me going to work M-F, but I now have my creations to look forward to and knowing they will bring someone, somewhere a smile :). 

I would love to hear from others with MS.  I don't know anyone else that has it in my family or in my circle of friends.  Especially if you have found some uplifting moments from crafting.

I would also love to hear from anyone interested in my creations.  If you have tips and/or ideas.  If you would like a custom order or would like to purchase items I have in stock.

Always, my pleasure,
Grammie Karen